Birth Bear


The Birth Bear makes every effort to ensure that the information it offers on this website is as complete and accurate as possible, but makes no guarantees in this regard. The Birth Bear is therefore not liable for any direct or indirect damage, of whatever nature, arising from or in any way related to the website and the data contained therein or with the temporary inability to use this website or parts thereof. can consult.

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All prices and quotations stated on this website, or possibly obtained via a calculation tool on this website, are without obligation and (unless the quotation dictates otherwise) not an offer to conclude an agreement. The Birth Bear may make changes to the execution or price of a product offered without further notice.

The Birth Bear reserves the copyright on its website. In addition, this website may contain information, software, photographs and other materials that are protected by copyright, trademark or other intellectual property law.

Therefore, nothing from this website may be reproduced or used without prior written permission from The Birth Bear, other than downloading, viewing on a single computer and/or printing a hard copy for personal, non- commercial use.

This website may contain links to other websites. The Birth Bear has no control over such linked websites and is not responsible for the content of those websites. 

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